Friday, May 14, 2010

just a glimpse of beijing!

lil pics of em here and there. all bunched up :0)

let it the film roll!

arrival ;)

china alright!


now this, is what China's all about ;)

cute china kid ;) at the great wall :)

temple of heaven :)

the best simple thing you'd have ever eaten!
from then on, rice had first place in my taste buds!
and the 9 ringgit duck!

thats all fer now kids :)
too much more to upload :)


  1. oooh i love the pictures! i'm sure y'all had tons of fun! ;D

  2. MARIE~!!!!!
    the pictures are just simply amazing!!! i'm serious! man..they're ALL so pretty!
    if only i could take shots like yours! me so jealous! haha kidding.. ;D
    btw, do you edit your pics?? :)
    oh and i especially like the individual pic of you, and one of eunice! :D :D

  3. haha...they have starbucks!!!

  4. starbucks in beijing is really nice during the summer especially. but i love it during the winter!! latte cafe

  5. Danielle! ahhh hehe thanks lots! prolly too much! cant wait to see your canada ones!!!

    Sawah! awh, thanks berry bunch! hehe PTL!
    i took LOADS of pictures! so these are only a few! haha PTL! i couldnt upload more! too tiring for the precious eyes.... :) your pictures oso nice lah! depends.... if i REALLY like the picture, i'd try to edit, but sometimes, your eyes just get too dry looking at them, and tired of deciding! lol

    Tjia ern ma man! hehe boy was THAT a sight!! all the deco! :D

    Deborah :D haha wish i had some! unfortunately, it was just a passer by thing :) haha. wanna go back :)

  6. yeah!! do go back and bring me along, Rie! I'd go!
